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Neurodivergent Writing Tips
Autistic Writer Tip: Beware Absolutes When Creating Characters
We autistics tend to think in absolutes (AKA black and white thinking or dichotomous thinking) in which we perceive things as “all good”...
How to Not Overcommit When You Have ADHD
We ADHDers often get ourselves into trouble because we're prone to overcommit. There are multiple reasons why this may be the case: We...
ADHD & Autism Tip: Mistakes Are Normal
Everyone, neurodivergent and neurotypical alike, makes mistakes. Making mistakes is normal. It’s human. It does not make you a failure....
Recognize the Signs of Approaching ADHD & Autistic Burnout and Do What You Can to Prevent It
Everyone can experience burnout, but ADHD and autistic individuals live in a world where we can more easily reach this point if we’re not...
ADHD Writing Tip: When Nearing "The End," Resist the Temptation to Push Past Your Normal Limits
By the time you get toward the end of a book (perhaps around the start of Act 3, maybe sooner), you're probably ready to be done with it...
How to Write a Book When You Have ADHD
The first thing to know is it is possible write to a book when you have ADHD. I am living proof of this as a published author who was...
Autism Mindset Tip: Give Yourself Permission to Take Up Space
Because autistics tend to struggle with effectively communicating with neurotypical people, we experience a lot of social rejection. The...
ADHD Writing Tip: Resist the Urge to Start Something New... Some of the Time
We ADHDers are great at starting new things. We’re less great at finishing them. Whether it’s from boredom, writer’s block, or a new idea...
Autistic Writer Tip: Be Careful of Comparing Yourself to Neurotypical Writers
We've probably all heard we need to be careful of comparing ourselves to others. And as writers, that often translates to being careful...
Making Goals as an ADHD Writer: Make a Goal You Can Actually Hit
Making goals is a great thing. It gives us a target to shoot for and helps us stop wasting time on things that don't push us toward that...
ADHD Writer Mindset Tip: Patience & Endurance Are Essential
As an ADHD writer, this mindset tip is such a struggle! Most of us know we need to be patient in order to see results, but it's so...
ADHD & Autistic Writer Tip: Make Time for Breaks
In today's day and age, it's so easy for writers (and everyone else!) to believe the lie that we can't stop to take a breath, especially...
ADHD Mindset Tip: Embrace Your Bravery
So often we hear about the negative aspects of ADHD: hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, etc. But one thing that often gets...
ADHD & Autism Tip: Prioritize Self-care
While this tip applies to all writers, it is one that's especially easy for ADHD & autistic writers to neglect because of one of our...
Autism Tip: Utilize Your Attention to Detail
Your attention to detail is a strength many people don't have. Lean into it to enhance the quality of your writing and make your work...
ADHD Tip: Write It Down!
One of the annoying components of ADHD is forgetfulness, so use this tip to help counteract that! When you think of something important...
Are Neurodivergent People Disabled?
The answer to this question often comes down to a matter of perspective, and it's difficult to answer for the entire neurodivergent...
What is Neurodiversity?
This term refers to neurological conditions that cause the brain to work differently from the majority. Instead of viewing these...
You may be wondering what a paraquel even is! To be brief, think of a paraquel as a parallel story. It occurs at the same time as another...
Prequel, Sequel, Paraquel: All the -Quels and What They Mean
Before we get into the "-quels," we need a base story. Let's call it "Story X." This will be what each "-quel" relates to throughout the...
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