Everyone can experience burnout, but ADHD and autistic individuals live in a world where we can more easily reach this point if we’re not careful.
Potential signs of ADHD burnout, according to Psych Central:
Increased irritability
Appetite changes
Changes in how you discuss your day/work
Imposter syndrome
An inability to take action about something
Potential signs of autistic burnout, according to Psych Central:
Lower tolerance for stimuli
Chronic exhaustion
Losing skills
Reduced eye contact
Withdrawal from activities
Emotional dysregulation
Low motivation
Decreased self-care
If this resonates with you, and you feel like you may be approaching burnout, don’t just try to push through! This could end up making things worse and give you a longer recovery time.
Here are things to do instead:
Take a break from work/writing/things that add to your stress (if you’re able to).
Go for a walk or do some other outdoor activity.
Ask for help.
Get more sleep! So often we neglect rest even though it’s such a necessary part of life.
Engage in a hobby you enjoy, preferably one that doesn’t involve a screen.
Find ways to reduce your workload.
ADHD and autistic burnout are not things to take lightly. For more tips like these, check out my other blog posts.